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To: Stone Mountain
The magazine has been published for 25 years. It is a conservative news magazine.


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Feb 4, 2002 issue. Click to enlarge view.
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Seldom has anything we've published ever received as much response, both pro and con, as has Jeff White's October 22 essay "If it's terrorists we're after, let's start hunting in Jerusalem." Here you can read the whole controversy from start to finish--with a new batch of letters posted Nov. 22.


Perfect happiness for the Liberals is this: Day wins and Clark stays
by Ian Hunter

CA Leadership Interviews
Stephen Harper
Grant Hill
Stockwell Day

The Mulroney triumph

With the Canadian Alliance leadership race underway, and the Liberals jostling in the backroom to line up behind Chretien, we thought there might be fun and profit in re-examining a rough and rowdy old-fashioned leadership convention from 19 years ago. Here are the Tories, when they were the still Canada's conservative choice, on the floor of Ottawa's convention centre, sweating and screaming, waving and exchanging "lollipops" in the turning tide. Martin Brian Mulroney would emerge the winner over a hapless Joe Clark and go on to be Prime Minister for two terms....

Other Report Classics

The history of the magazine

For the first time, we bring you the history of the magazine in excerpts from two anniversay issues--at 10 years and at 25. It's been an enlightening and sometimes wild ride, and it's a great read...

In Search of the Sixties

We are now producing Volume 10 of the Alberta in the Twentieth Century series of history books. It will cover the Sixties, including everything from the fads and foibles of youth culture and the rise of modern feminism to Ernest Manning's last decade in power and the arrival of Pierre Trudeau. We need your help to tell the story of this extraordinary decade. If you have any memorabilia that could be used as illustrations--photographs, posters, clothes, books, magazines, bumper stickers, pamphlets--and you would be willing to loan it to us, please contact ATC Research Director James Leech at 780-930-7839 or

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It's simple as ABC--deny, deny, deny
Almost no general news media in North America covered two Abortion/Breast Cancer (ABC) stories this Joanne Byfield...From the Feb. 4 issue, posted 10:45 a.m. MST Feb 1

The costs of Glen Clark's cronyism are now being tallied
Campbell is now arguing, in essence, that a decade's worth of NDP favouritism towards its civil service confederates left the provincial treasury in Terry O'Neill...From the Feb. 4 issue, posted 9:09 a.m. MST Jan 30

Cry hysteria, and let loose the dogs of public-relations war!
If the B.C. Teachers' Federation is really serious about winning its just-launched PR war with the Liberal government, then it had better hope the public forgets the union's abysmal track record in predicting the impact of supposedly "anti-education" Terry O'Neill...Web Only, posted 2:35 p.m. MST Jan 29

Control by 'great fear'
Cruelty to women continues in Afghanistan, and extends to Pat Hansard...From the Feb. 4 issue, posted 7:34 a.m. MST Jan 29

How three Albertans may fix socialized medicine
It looks like a green light from Ottawa to let Alberta pioneer Canadian healthcare Paul Bunner...From the Feb. 4 issue, posted 9:16 a.m. MST Jan 28

Stockwell Day: The Report Interview
This is the third in our series of interviews with the Canadian Alliance leadership candidates. Stockwell Day spoke to Senior Editor Kevin Michael Grace January 10. A portion of this conversation appears in the Feb. 4, 2002 issue of The Report. As advertised to our subscribers, this is the complete text...Web Only, posted 8:56 a.m. MST Jan 27

There is scant virtue in having 'values'
What is the difference between "virtues" and "values," and does it matter? For two millenniums, philosophers measured both individuals and societies by the criterion of Ian Hunter...From the Jan. 21 issue, posted 12:55 p.m. MST Jan 26

Gage Gabriel and the angels
It's interesting that the child didn't call them angels--the grown-ups did. He only called them girls. Because everything is new to a three-year-old, nothing is particularly Link Byfield...From the Jan. 21 issue, posted 9:02 a.m. MST Jan 25

The most unlikely sex fantasies are in the minds of 'health experts'
Would someone please explain the difference between a compulsion and a "staple"? Perhaps the former sounds destructive, while the latter seems more user-friendly, but it's all one to Mariette Ulrich...From the Jan. 21 issue, posted 8:35 a.m. MST Jan 24

The absurdity of blaming all religions for Sept. 11
The deep thinkers argue that the "blind faith" supposedly fostered by religion produces a disconnection with reality and a loss of common Terry O'Neill...From the Jan. 21 issue, posted 9:55 a.m. MST Jan 23

Now is the time for social conservatives to move forward, not retrench
Social conservatism--particularly regarding the family as central to the fabric of society--is in the Stephen Harper...From the Jan. 21 issue, posted 8:03 a.m. MST Jan 22

What we are fighting for
There are 300 million different ways of life in North America and, increasingly, they are mutually Kevin Michael Grace...From the Jan. 21 issue, posted 2:24 p.m. MST Jan 20

February 4, 2002 issue

by Kevin Michael Grace

Check out the contents of our Feb. 4, 2002 print edition.

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(News On the Web)

Update: 10:45 a.m. MST Fri Feb 1
CP: Four officially in Alliance leadership race as deadline passes
Backgrounder from a gay newspaper
Xtra!: Tory supporters back Enza TO

I guess the Tories, like everyone else, couldn't figure out how on earth this chunky 'supermodel' was supposed to 'humiliate' the Alliance without making themselves look somewhat ridiculous

National Post: Let morals guide you, Reform founder says
Of course, we know what happens when you do that in present-day Canada, you lose your job
National Post: Mountie who blew whistle could lose job

Calgary Herald: Levant wins CA nod to run

Ric Dolphin in Edmonton Journal: Liberals smell blood in Calgary riding

CP: Troops from Edmonton say goodbye, board plane en route to Afghanistan

Globe and Mail: Shirts prove old hat for our troops

CP: Eggleton should be held in contempt for misleading Commons, opposition says

Desmond Morton in Globe and Mail: Eggleton didn't want to know: That's war, folks

Susan Riley in Ottawa Citizen: Art Eggleton's Armed Farces

Ottawa Sun: Grit vows to keep forces Canadian

Fox: Soldiers to Be Sent to U.S. Borders

Montreal Gazette: Watched by CSIS

Globe and Mail: Lobbyists under ethics review

National Post: Liberals quash testimony of Gagliano accuser

Chantal Hebert in Toronto Star: PM leads the way in distorting democracy

Andrew Coyne in National Post: Welcome to the Liberal subculture

National Post: 'We have done better than most'--Martin, Dodge talk up dollar on Wall Street; new figures show slow recovery in November

Stratfor: A Strong U.S. Dollar Is Good Medicine

Hope for the disabled
Globe and Mail: Spinal implants give hope to disabled

Hope for children
CNS News: Bush Administration Classifies Fetus as 'Unborn Child'

Here's the another version of events from the Canadian Glib-eral paper of record
Toronto Star: Fetus is a `child,' Bush declares

Peter Worthington in Toronto Sun: Just one voice--Peter Gzowski spoke well, but not for all of us

Halifax Chronicle Herald: Mother wasn't drinking on night of crash

Halifax Daily News: Authorities considering charges for false claims

Washington Post: U.S. Repeats Warnings on Terrorism

Linda Chavez in Washington Times: Forces of terrorism at home and abroad

DEBKA via WorldNetDaily: U.S. making final break with Arafat?

Sydney Morning Herald: No repatriation cash for Afghan refugees

Collin Levey in WSJ: Beating the System--Feminists howl at a Kentucky judge's approach to domestic violence

The postman always rings twice
London Daily Telegraph: 'Weakest link' husband jailed for life

David Limbaugh in WorldNetDaily: Yet more assaults on Christianity

David Shiflet in WSJ: Depart Out!--A call for Christians to leave their churches--the End Times may be here

Christianity Today: Film Forum: Intelligent Believers on the Big Screen?

Howard Rosenberg in LA Times: Big Names, Little News--This Is CNN?

Andrew Greeley in Chicago Sun Times: 'Sopranos' not fit for public consumption

Atlantic Monthly: "Sir Walter Ralegh to His Son"

News On the Web Archive
Internet Edition
Updated Daily


24 posted on 02/01/2002 1:58:11 PM PST by Notwithstanding
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To: Notwithstanding
COLUMNS AND DEPARTMENTS Up Front by Colby Cosh See last line in the Table of Contents:

Brave New World--Part 1 by Celeste McGovern


The Report - February 4, 2002 Index 0;} function CSIEStyl(s) { return document.all.tags("div")[s].style; } function CSNSStyl(s) { return CSFindElement(s,0); } function CSFindElement(n,ly) { if (CSBVers < 4) return document[n]; var curDoc = ly ? ly.document : document; var elem = curDoc[n]; if (!elem) { for (var i=0;i= 0) && (bAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/3") >= 0) && (bAgent.indexOf("Mac") >= 0)) return true; // dont follow link else return false; // dont follow link } function CSButtonReturn () { var bAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var bAppName = window.navigator.appName; if ((bAppName.indexOf("Explorer") >= 0) && (bAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/3") >= 0) && (bAgent.indexOf("Mac") >= 0)) return false; // follow link else return true; // follow link } CSIm = new Object(); function CSIShow(n,i) { if (document.images) { if (CSIm[n]) { var img = (!IsIE()) ? CSFindElement(n,0) : document[n]; if (img && typeof(CSIm[n][i].src) != "undefined") {img.src = CSIm[n][i].src;} if(i != 0) self.status = CSIm[n][3]; else self.status = " "; return true; } } return false; } function CSILoad(action) { im = action[1]; if (document.images) { CSIm[im] = new Object(); for (var i=2;i<5;i++) { if (action[i] != '') { CSIm[im][i-2] = new Image(); CSIm[im][i-2].src = action[i]; } else CSIm[im][i-2] = 0; } CSIm[im][3] = action[5]; } } CSStopExecution = false; function CSAction(array) { return CSAction2(CSAct, array); } function CSAction2(fct, array) { var result; for (var i=0;i

title February 4, 2002

February 4, 2002 Issue Full Text

Articles in the Feb. 4, 2002 issue of The Report but not available online:

Hard time for minor crime
Canada and the U.S. have different ideas of basic rights in the post-September 11 world by Peter Stock

The wages of government medicine
Doctors are persecuted by quota-driven bean-counters who are morally and medically inept by Lynne Cohen

Soft steps to assimilation
Ottawa's Indian policy seems designed to slowly push Natives into the real world by Peter Stock

Healthcare shakeup
The Mazankowski report says it's time to bust government's medical monopoly by Candis McLean

None dare call it evil
Parents who murdered their son were lionized in the media by Terry O'Neill

Harmless when not out of control
Critics charge lax parole decisions are needlessly costing lives by Marnie Ko

Sympathy for the shaman
A popular Ecuadorean medicine man faces criminal charges for the death of a Native elder by Terry O'Neill

Sue the government
Sue the government A lawsuit claims liquor stores can be held liable for selling booze to an alcoholic by Marnie Ko

The Greal Lone Land gets lonelier
Reversing the depopulation of the rural prairies will not be easy, but there is hope by Mike Byfield

To rock-bottom and back
B.C.'s mining industry finally sees light at the end of the political tunnel by Terry O'Neill

Deadly in more ways than ever before
With unprecedented intimacy, a Canadian filmmaker portrays the birth of the newest U.S. fighter jet, the X-35 by Mike Byfield

Doggie rights
A pro-animal group conjures up a report aimed at forcing landlords to accept pets by Terry O'Neill

Sask Pen's porn and pizza party
Corrections Canada is under the gun after staff threw prisoners a scandalous New Year's Eve bash by Terry O'Neill

The 'sorry' state of history
MPs' apology for First World War firing squads reflects a continuing national demoralization by Geoffrey Shaw

Religion for beginners
The virtues-education business is booming, but it does not survive in a theological vacuum by Rick Hiebert

Answers to bigots
An incisive defence presents the historic aspects critics of Christianity like to ignore by Virginia Byfield

Up Front by Colby Cosh
Champions by Carla Smithson
Letters To The Editor
News on the Terrorism Front by Kevin Michael Grace
Eclectica by Kevin Michael Grace
Judgment Day by John Carpay
Numbers compiled by Mike Byfield
The Record compiled by Victor Olivier and Rich Hiebert
Brave New World--Part 1 by Celeste McGovern

Write a letter to the Editor.
Subscribe to take full advantage of The Report

Copyright © 2002 United Western Communications Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.

28 posted on 02/01/2002 2:00:28 PM PST by Notwithstanding
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