I am certain your friend John earned and deserved his appointment to West Point, otherwise, he would not have been accepted to the Point.
An appointment usually requires a Congessional nomination, and quite frankly, had Bohnen publicly challenged the U.S. government's version of the events in OKC, it is very likely that his actions may have disqualified his son for the nomination/appointment. Considering the appointment is equivalent to a scholarship of about $250,000 and the fact that the entire OKC Police Department was prepared to ignore the murder of one of their own, how much are we to expect from one private citizen?
Tonia Yeakey went public with significantly more incriminating information than Bohnen had and her story, unfortunately, has made little difference because the public in general does not care. If Bohnen chose a well earned bright future for his son over exposing the truth to an audience who could care less, who could blame him?
I think that is the key. People can shout to the high heavens about all of this stuff, but unless it is on one of the "major" networks or on the cover of Time, or has a TV movie done about it, John Q Public could care less. It is much more important, obviously, for us to care about how Al Qaeda prisoners are treated than if the FBI killed 168 of our own citizens.