A fine sentiment. Question: are you willing to carry some form of identification that establishes your citizenship at all times? I don't mean a driver's license, I'm talking some heavy-duty smart-card technology, coupled with a national database of all identified persons.
If the answer is "no," then you're not serious about solving the illegal alien issue.
BS! The security checks made on contractors and their employees 20 or more years ago didn't let anything slip through the cracks. I was always cleared within a day (probably since i've had an FBI file since I was 5) but the list of employees would take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month prior to starting a job and they were either squeeky clean or no clearance. It's simply a matter of lazy, stupid, and careless government employees and a total relaxation of rules.
I'm not thrilled at the prospect of more gov intrusion, but I also think that drastic measures are needed.
Question: are you willing to carry some form of identification that establishes your citizenship at all times? I don't mean a driver's license, I'm talking some heavy-duty smart-card technology, coupled with a national database of all identified persons.If the answer is "no," then you're not serious about solving the illegal alien issue.
You're kidding, right? I mean, we've got millions of known illegals, and your "solution" is to tag the rest of us?
That's like straining at a gnat, and swallowing a camel -- except that you swallow the gnat too!
Get back with us vis-a-vis your "papers, please" brand of fix after we've prosecuted and/or deported the millions of known illegals.
Have you no sense of proportion whatsoever?
Nonsense. We don't have to accept totalitarianism to stop illegal aliens. That is a false and UNNECESSARY choice.
When I want to keep dogs and coyotes away from my chickens, I PUT UP A FENCE.
That's a straw man argument implying that there is only one way of combating illegal immigration. The most effective way to stop illegal immigration, in addition to sealing off the borders, is to make the penalty for hiring illegal immigrants so high on businesses that it becomes uneconomical. That means that prospective hires need to PROVE beyond all doubt that they are legal by evidencing a social security card, a birth certificate, a green card, a drivers license and after that they have to go through a required background check. The onus is thus placed squarely on the business, just like the onus is placed on taxpayers to prove they are innocent. If an employer screws up...tough rocks.
If truth be told, just about everyone can spot an illegal alien. We dont need anymore of the nod and wink flimsy excuses like "he showed me his bogus green card". If employer sanctions are applied in the manner I described, law-abiding citizens will not have to carry around some citizenship ID card.
That's a start.