I accidentally invented a word once, to describe an acquaintance who was simultaneously pompous, opinionated, and loud:
"When Wayne begins to vocificate..."
Contraction of "vociferous" and "pontificate".
I still like the word, and if it isn't in the dictionary, it should be.
BTW, vociferate is a dictionary word.
I still like the word, and if it isn't in the dictionary, it should be.
I drive the red and green underline-y things bananas on my Word program. They, in turn, drive me to distraction. Now on spellcheck I hit "Learn"(! dammit).
I can dig it! I have been known to disconventerate a word here and there myself. ("Discover," "invent," and "illustrate!") I'm afraid it's in my blood. And quite painful too!
At one time, there was a company that was in the business of "selling" words; they came complete with a legal certificate of ownership, and no one else could ever own your word unless they bought it from you! I bought one for my father. Something like "accentify," but I honestly can't remember it! (It was a word he made up while instructing his French language students, and it did make sense in that context.)
I didn't keep the information regarding where I bought it, but if I rememberate correctically, I found the company through the ads in the back of Writer's Digest magazine. I subscribe off and on, and right now I'm on "off!" *G* If I come across my stash (I'm a packrat!), I'll check the ads, though! ;-}