Personally, I expect that Galadriel will play a greater role in all three movies than she did in the books. This is a way of dragging in an occasional female character. The easiest way for them to do this is to cover her giving of gifts to each of the Fellowship thru flashbacks at appropriate points in the story. For instance, we might flashback to her gift to Gimli just before he challenges Eomer in defense of her honor. And Sam's gift has to be in the ROTK to explain the quick recovery of the Shire from Saruman's devastation.
Speaking of female characters, I've seen a couple of stills with Arwen and Galadriel in what looks like Lorien. Not in the book. And I'm really looking forward to Eowyn!
I know, I know. You're just hoping she's a big character in the story, right?
Brad Dourif as Wormtongue
Bernard Hill (the captain from Titanic) as Theoden
David Wenham as Faramir
John Noble as Denethor
Images found at