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To: mountaineer
You can look at for a pre-fabricated planning and/or zoning code that is used by many smaller cities in a situation like yours (well, maybe not the buffoon Mayor for 20 years).

I must admit, being an architect with masterplan experience - you're going to be over your head. Take my advice, hire someone to provide you with some guidance - it will be the best dollars you've ever spent.

14 posted on 01/02/2002 12:37:50 PM PST by daniel boob
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To: daniel boob; mountaineer
Take my advice, hire someone to provide you with some guidance - it will be the best dollars you've ever spent.

I agree with DB. Having people who have no clue what they are doing write planning and zoning code sounds like how you got into this mess in the first place.

Secondly, with a town that small(and I assume that there is no city with 100,000 plus residents within 50 miles of you), it is unlikely that you really even need much of a land use plan. Just something general should do. Surely your town is not experiencing much current growth at that population figure. You shouldn't have to worry about McDonalds moving in and putting a restaurant next to Farmer Brown's house.

Also remember this: Many States have ruled(maybe all of them) that if a zoning change takes all of a property's value, the governmental body is liable to pay damages. This may not be an issue in your case, but you may want to keep it in mind.

16 posted on 01/02/2002 12:52:56 PM PST by FreeTally
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