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To: Pokey78
In his chapter, “The De-Christianization of America,” Buchanan argues that the death of the Christian faith in Western countries is a primary cause of their dying populations. Whenever faith dies, the people die. A new atheistic civilization is arising, he argues, and is using its dominance of the culture and the courts to drive Christianity out of the temples of our civilization.

He's running both hot and cold here - he condemns the immigrants for not sharing Western culture (even though most of them are Christian and even more devout Christians than many native-born people) but then turns around and declares that the West is losing its faith.

If people looked around in any Catholic Church during Mass- many of you would note the significant number of non-white, mainly immigrant faces. Around here I note the increasing number of Korean-Baptist or Chinese-Baptist or Vietnamese-Baptist churches in this area.

460 posted on 01/02/2002 10:47:58 AM PST by garbanzo
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To: garbanzo
- he condemns the immigrants for not sharing Western culture (even though most of them are Christian and even more devout Christians than many native-born people) but then turns around and declares that the West is losing its faith.

If people looked around in any Catholic Church during Mass- many of you would note the significant number of non-white, mainly immigrant faces. Around here I note the increasing number of Korean-Baptist or Chinese-Baptist or Vietnamese-Baptist churches in this area.


Now why aren't Protestant immigrants allowed to come here, hmmm?

475 posted on 01/02/2002 10:57:46 AM PST by Age of Reason
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