No Irish affirmative action at the time.
Tammany Hall. It isn't so much immigrants who are taking up affirmative actions slots (Asians certainly get no benefit from AA), but native-born minorities.
No Multiculturalism at the time.
Catholicism was seen with much the same jaundiced eye.
Besides, multiculturalism tends to be a phenomenon of native-born, overly-idle leftists. Yeah, we'll get a few native rites for a generation or two, then they'll either disappear or be moderated into the mainstream, like St. Patrick's day and Christmas trees. Your argument ignores the current historical context.
It isn't so much immigrants who are taking up affirmative actions slots (Asians certainly get no benefit from AA), but native-born minorities.
Many affirmative action spots go to hispanics, which means that eventually the sons and daughters of hispanic immigrants will be eligible.
Hispanic immigrants are taking full advantage of the welfare state right now, which I notice you didn't bother to dispute. What makes you think it won't be the same with AA?
Wrong. Multiculturalism is an idea whose purpose is to destroy our culture and balkanize our society - and it is working. It is keeping new immigrants from melting into American society. It is alienating minorities. It is breeding hatred and promoting racism. Multiculturalism is a very dangerous and very evil idea.