I was conveying this exact sentiment to my wife weeks ago. "Fortress Europe" is exactly what Hitler wanted, and the Germans have reached that reality. Hitler was socialistic and so is the European Union, the only difference is that the EU did not take it by force. It is truly grievous that these nations would willingly give up their sovereignty. Their "Utopia" is a pipe dream and what they will end up with is actually far worse.
The corruption in the European Commission beggars belief, all the backhanders and double dealing, and worse still cases of commissioners taking out of the pockets of charities. Then they put in place a champion for corruption, is this champion for or against corruption, who knows in Euroland, its a guessing game, my guess hes put there to cover tracks so the incompetent commissioners don't get caught next time. These same commissioners cut duty free shopping at airports throughout Europe including the UK, but kept there own duty free shopping priveliges, but the thing that gets my goat is the fact that they are an unelected commission. The elected members of European parliament (the MEPs), get ridden roughshod over , and are made to pander to the all-powerfull commissioners. As you can see I'm not a fan of either Europe or the Euro.
I'm a soldier in the British army and I completely condemn the EUs plans for a Euro army. Having been seconded to the US army, there is closer ties between the armies of Britain and the US, and I would prefer to fight alongside the soldiers of the US than those of France, Germany or Italy anytime.