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To: dennybabyboy-fitzy
Your right, they are, but the fact remains that about 76% of the people in the UK oppose Europe and the Euro, and if the govt. is to be believed, the UK will not enter the Euro unless the vast majority vote in favour of, and that does not look likely in the by 2003, when the govt. will hold the referendum. The British public were forced into Europe when it was known only as the European common market, they were given a yes/no vote the question being "would you like closer ties with a European common market?", next minute we were being railroaded into a European superstate, to the detriment of the commonwealth nations i.e Australia, New zealand.

Where's Winston Churchill when we need him?

18 posted on 01/01/2002 8:29:45 PM PST by ambrose
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To: ambrose
Well at least it is being done in a way that makes debate possible. Here we are moving towards a "Euro for the Americas" under the cover of darkness.

We have creeping "dollarization" where entire foreign governments stop printing money and start using dollars. I'm not sure how the Fed is supposed to deal with that. Do they increase the money supply to cover Ecuadors needs too? Clinton supported this policy. Indeed there were some articles posted that were from a person living there who claimed they were flying planes full of cash down to help pull of the switch.

Haven't heard much about it since then. And even the Argentina debacle in part revolved around the dollar-as-currency, though this was accomplished through strict convertibilty - as the Bahamas does.

22 posted on 01/01/2002 8:46:00 PM PST by Jack Black
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