I am a mainstream Repblican, not a Libertarian. I don't do anything stronger than cognac, but it beats me how arresting stoners makes me either safer or freer. Conversely, for every fewer federal employee I am measurably and materially freer, and safer! That is why I, and tens of millions of other conservatives, have no sympathy at all for the Drug War.
Ain't it the truth! Which reminds me, another fun aspect of the WosD is the potential for corrupting the Armed Forces. I don't want to see the Army become as corrupt as the DEA or the border patrol or the Sheriff's Dept that manufactured its own speed (somewhere in FL, IIRC). In an earlier post I mentioned that repeal will most likely reduce the amount of lying in our society; ditto for corrpution - it won't go away, but there would be less reason to bribe.
For an explaination of this you have to go back to FDR. He established the governments authority to regulate virtually anything you might have or any activity you might engage in. The Orwellian logic goes something like this:
The federal government has the right to regulate interstate commerce. This gives them the right to prohibit your ownership of anything that could conceiveably be bought, sold, or trade, because you might buy, sell, or trade with someone in another state. A large part of the federal government's expansion, including the WOD is based on this idea that "regulating interstate commerce" actually means "regulating potentially interstate potential commerce".
Here's a starting point: