The bottom of his page is:
Jim Syrdal is a Vietnam Veteran, and Vice President of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 550 in Chalmette, Louisiana. During his six years in the U.S.Navy, Jim spent 1970-1971, as an electronic technician at Naval Communication Station, Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. He is the author and editor for the Chapter 550 newsletter, from which this tribute to his friend Sonny is taken. Jim may be contacted at
I always wondered, Wife said BJU meant Beach Jumper Unit, but he never talked about anything but liberties he enjoyed. I'm the black sheep, I smoke, drink coffee, drink adult beverages. He and I got crossways on a regular basis.
The family would never show me his medals. When we buried him, I stood at attention, and was shamed for it. But, they were folding the flag to give to his widow.
The picture just reminded me of his stories about going on libery, driving boats.