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Good for you Llaney! You can use the ctrl-P function! Now was it that hard to answer a simple question posed to you a week ago as to what your source was? Surely the answer is no, yet as evidenced by your delayed and excessive response, my question did indeed cause some trouble for you.

What is needed having been said, I ask you now. What exactly is it that you think yourself to know about the Corwin amendment and how does it pertain to this discussion? I ask this for the simple reason that you came here ranting and raving on the vaguest of terms about persons not understanding it after you noticed it had been mentioned by others in this thread.

In other words, if you posess information and familiarity with your all to often absent and unnamed "sources," what are they and why do you cite them so infrequently? At minimum, you should be able to provide a few details once and a while, and where applicable, give their sources. It's a fundamental concept of debating you seem unable to even begin, much less master. Considering you are a person who all to often smugly tells others who you do not know how they should use or acquire a library, I for one think it is high time for you to move out of the children's section. Other than that, have a nice day.

463 posted on 01/06/2002 9:09:53 PM PST by GOPcapitalist
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