I quote source documents, at length; you post unsubstantiated opinion. And you suggest that I am the "revisionist?" You have an amazing talent for comedy.
Since I don't have time this evening for comedians (I have work to do), I will leave you with a question that has caused all manner of difficulty and consternation to your philosophical bed-fellows:
Shall government be bound by law, or by morality?
Sweet dreams...
You guys drive me nuts. In this and other threads when I or non-sequitor or Whiskey Papa post quotes from source documents, were called 'cut 'n paste artists' with no argument or rebuttal to our arguments. Now you come up with a quote, and that somehow makes every thing I say 'unsupported opinion.' Above I posted Article V of the Constitution to ask one of you where it implies a right to secede, as he had stated. I never got a reply to that post. It seems when you see the source you won't reply, and when we don't post source, you call us uninformed!
Araghhhhh. Lincoln should have let you guys have your little Banana Republic. It would have served you right when the slaves finally had their uprising. ;~))
Good night.