Either that, or you're sharing with us your last conversation with your IRS agent.
You are demonstrating your ignorance. The existence of the single slave that was willed to Grants wife by her parents has been discussed many times here, and the idiotic charges that Grant was a 'slave owner' have been repudiated many times. Grant even came under fire at the time the 'slave' was in his procession because he paid the guy cash money to do work. The man was emancipated by Grant. And if you understood the Constitution you seem to want to wrap yourself in, you would know that under that great document, any American, north or south, owning a slave ship and transporting slaves to the US after the year 1808 was in serious violation of Federal law.
Now what other lame excuses will you come up with to justify the millions of humans kept in bondage by the same wealthy Southern landowners who designed the Stars and Bars. Whatever that flag stood for, it never stood for freedom.