In his testimony, Mr. Ressam said the camps were run by Abu Zubaida, the nom de guerre of a Palestinian whom American officials have identified as an important lieutenant to Mr. bin Laden.
American officials say Abu Zubaida reports directly to Mr. bin Laden and is in charge of recruiting for the camps. Mr. Ressam said Abu Zubaida arranged for his trip from Montreal to Afghanistan, providing him with Afghan clothes and an Afghan guide to take him from Pakistan to a camp called Khalden.
Le nom dAbu Zubaida, alias Zain Al-Abidin Muhahhad Husain, né le 12 mars 1971 en Arabie Saoudite apparaît aussi dans la liste. Cest Zubaida (ou Zoubaida en français) qui aurait organisé les voyages du terroriste montréalais Ahmed Ressam en Afghanistan, avant quil ne soit arrêté à la frontière canado-américaine au volant dune voiture bourrée dexplosifs le 14 décembre 1999.