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To: farmfriend
Crack a pre-PC history book and read about the early rural political union organization activity that came about due to hard times of the depression (dust bowl, etc.)

The Grange might have started out as a noble idea, but during the Great Depression communist opportunists 'capitalized' on farmers' missery for political gain. Not a few old Grange 'commies' came to regret their youthful leftist affiliations during Sen. McCarthy's inquisitions in the 1950s.

I don't condone Sen. McCarthy's tactics, but in many cases he had these traitors pegged for what they were.

66 posted on 12/12/2001 12:22:46 AM PST by anymouse
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To: anymouse
I'm sure that Grange policy has ebbed and flowed from the left to the right and vise versa. In 1873 the Grange started a 3rd party with Republicans and gained a majority in the State Legislature. In 1878 They were one quarter of the delegate to the State Constutional Convention. Stay tuned for current Grange policy. Remeber, Grange policy is set at the local level and moves up, not the other way around.
72 posted on 12/12/2001 8:25:32 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Water Policy 2001

Since the formation of the California State Grange in 1873 to protect the great agriculture resources of California it has promoted protection of our most valuable resource in the ground, creeks, streams, and in rivers of this Great State...Water. Only one percent of the entire planet's water supply is fresh and every means possible for its protection should be implemented, for without water there is no life.

In 1885 to the present day the origin of water resources have been considered by the Grange to be inalienable rights of the State with no diversion of said waters without permission of public authorities. To further delineate our position, underground water has in the past and is still considered to be an integral part of the land. Under this tenet we have and continue to maintain that it is illegal to transport underground water. We also maintain that all waters should be held in trust for the populace, agriculture, power production, fish, mollusks and industry within the County of origin prior to one gallon being diverted for any other usage.

California State Grange maintains that any development or subdivisions of property for residential or commercial use be prohibited unless the appropriate legislative body first verify that a reliable water supply is available.

As to development of the water resources we continue to encourage the building of dams for flood control, water storage and agricultural usage. We have held and still hold that dams, water and hydroelectric power should be owned and operated by the people for the people. In this vain it is imperative that licensees of dams who meet all the necessary requirements will have first preference for renewal or re-licensing and not have those rights abrogated by State or Federal agencies.

73 posted on 12/12/2001 8:30:12 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Tax and Fiscal Policy

No one wants to pay more than their fair share of taxes. However, the members of the California State Grange recognize that to achieve a balanced budget there are some important things that must happen. More tax dollars must be raised or government spending must be reduced. Realistically, a combination of both will probably be the solution. The California State Grange supports a balanced approach that includes a prudent fiscal policy coupled with a fair tax policy. How money is raised and how it is spent for government services has been an ongoing concern or our membership.

The Grange supports a tax system with an objective of developing an easier, less complex and equitable income tax program that all wealth will bear its just and equal proportion of the expenses of government. We will provide efficient and economical delivery of services. We are opposed to taxation for punitive purposes. We call for an end to spending on programs and facilities that exceed the basic needs of the recipients. A balanced budget must be achieved to reduce the national debt.

74 posted on 12/12/2001 8:32:51 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Agricultural Policy

The Grange is a family fraternity which seeks a viable agricultural program that safeguards the family farm as the most economical way to furnish all families with wholesome, affordable food and fiber. In California, the Grange description of a family farm is a business or enterprise involved in the production of food and fiber and/or related products or services, owned and/or operated by members of a family that make the management and financial decisions, and supplies a part of the labor. Organized in 1873, the Grange is the oldest general farm organization in California.

Since the apparent conclusion of the "cold war" and the subsequent reduction of the leading military/industrial component of the California economy, agriculture and its allied industries are the principle economic engine of this state. Along with it abiding interest in all things that effect the farm family, the Grange is concerned with the regulatory constraints placed on the flexibility of the farmer to produce wholesome, affordable food and fiber.

Family farms, which once made up most of the farms in the United States, were similar and generic in nature, but now are giving way to fewer and larger mega-farms. Family farms are finding it more and more difficult to survive as they compete with mega-farms that have closer ties with available markets and large food processors. Larger farms make use of production contracts and have access to larger amounts of financing for their operations.

The average age of farmers continues to climb, and there is a lack of enthusiasm and opportunities for young people to enter farming.

Agriculture financing is becoming more difficult for farmers of all ages to acquire. Consolidation of banks is making banking less personal, and farmers are less likely to be acquainted with banking people they must deal with. The amount of credit needed and the narrow profit margins to agriculture make it difficult for the smaller farms to get adequate financing.

New farm programs should target those family farms that are most at risk. These farms do not have access, the financial clout, or the staying power of the larger farming conglomerates.

There is much need for family farmers to learn more about their own industry, including marketing, public relations, contacting and production techniques such as water conservation practices and integrated pest management. Research has shown that smaller farms can be as efficient as larger farms, but they need equal access to markets, information, financing, and recognition. To those goals of the California State Grange is committed and actively involved.

The California State Grange supports the cooperative efforts between the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the University of California to enhance the safety and viability of our food supply, the protection of our environment, and the overall productivity of the farming community. These efforts are enhanced and supported by the Agricultural Network, a newly formed public information organization in which the Grange has been active in its founding, and which is now working to bring Agriculture back to the California classrooms.

We also urge the Agricultural Network to promote the use of organic farming and food preservation and storage to the younger generation.

75 posted on 12/12/2001 8:37:47 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Citizenship & Public Affairs

As a family fraternity, California Grangers are vitally concerned with the welfare and quality of life of all citizens, urban and rural, and is deeply committed to family values and community service. The Grange continues to expand its leadership role in finding answers to problems that threaten to undermine the family structure and community cohesion.

The Grange in California is devoted to the development of community leadership that will lead to the solutions of problems for which there are no simple or standard answers. These problems include the deterioration or lack of public infrastructure such as transportation, schools, utilities, access to health care facilities, modern communications systems, and a largely dysfunctional and costly delivery system for governmental services.

The California Grange will resist the ever increasing temptation to believe that government, federal, state and local, can provide solutions for all social problems. We commit ourselves and the organization to developing a stronger sense of manhood, womanhood, family structure, and community responsibility to enhance the quality of life and opportunities for all. However, we must take full advantage of our Grange organization policies to do all that is possible, both legislatively and socially, to maintain and promote the family unit. The Grange believes that all parents should be fully responsible, economically and morally for their children.

The California Granges, with their unique structure of family involvement in day-to-day activities, are in a position to take a leadership role in their communities in helping individuals of our society to attain a more wholesome and satisfying lifestyle. Each Grange and its' membership is aware of legislation and regulatory issues that impact families within its' area, and are prepared to interact with other community leaders to influence the outcome of those issues.

With a population of over 30 million in 1991 and a projected growth rate of 21% for the next decade, California must look at the impacts of this population growth on the State. The impact of this growth will be felt in many areas, some of which may be affordable housing, available water, available energy, deteriorating infrastructures, pressures on the educational system, not to mention pressures on the environment. The Grange needs to develop a dialogue and relationship with our government on all levels in planning for the future growth of our State. No growth is not a solution. Failure to plan for this growth will result in a decay of the basic needs of society resulting in a loss of businesses and industry which will move to other areas that are capable of supplying their needs. The flight of industry from our state will cause a stagnation in our economy, increased unemployment, depressed land values, etc., all spiraling together resulting in a lower quality of life and higher taxes for the citizens who remain.

The California State Grange supports research and development of energy resources which will increase the independence of our citizens from international politics. We are supportive of continued industry efforts to make energy more affordable, with minimal expenditure of public funds.

76 posted on 12/12/2001 8:41:41 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Conservation & Environmental Affairs

The California State Grange believes the protection and conservation of the environment is integral to all living things. We believe in responsible stewardship of the land and responsible governmental actions, both of which must take into account a reasonable balance between the needs of nature and the needs of man. We believe that our natural resources can be conserved and private property ownership protected when informed compromises based on fairness and common sense are used to judge issues.

We urge provisions in the Endangered Species acts that recognize human and economic factors when considering regulations, and stress that such factors be backed by sound scientific research and not emotional reactions, with the costs of protecting a habitat taken into consideration. We insist that private property rights of individuals, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the State of California, must be upheld and must not be overridden without adequate compensation of property owners. We urge that conservation agreements, which are central to providing landowners incentives to protect species and maintain the economic use of property, be upheld and encouraged.

77 posted on 12/12/2001 8:44:03 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse

As a Family Fraternity, the Grange has held the education of our children and adults as one of its most important goals. Since its founding in 1873, an era where an agrarian society prevailed, the California State Grange has emphasized the need of a basic education for all members of society. The Grange has also strongly advocated that such an education must include a vocational component that will prepare our young people to enable them to assume their roles in a productive society. While society has changed, in that today we live in a mostly urban environment, that tenet remains unchanged. We are today, as dedicated to this goal as were our founders 125 years ago.

Optimal funding and local control of curriculum, guided by universal standards are believed to be major building blocks of any educational program. To this, we add a teaching staff whose performance is evaluated on their abilities, a supportive administration staff and higher expectations for student achievement. With these components, our educational system will better equip students for educational success.

78 posted on 12/12/2001 8:45:59 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Foreign Affairs

The California State Grange seeks fair and open markets in all regions of the world. As a family fraternity, we are concerned with the nutritional needs of all people, and recognize the need to help feed the hungry. As a general farm organization, we seek balanced trade with minimal tariffs with other nations for our products, and a healthful food supply free of residual chemicals and a fair market for fiber products.

The Grange is concerned with the sovereignty of the United States and the peaceful control of our borders. We are committed to limiting ownership of American property, businesses, and industrial resources by foreign interests.

79 posted on 12/12/2001 8:47:43 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse

Historically, the Grange has been concerned with the availability of comprehensive and high quality health care, particularly for those families who live in the rural areas of California. The dynamics of our modern society has changed to a largely urban population and health care facilities in the rural areas have largely disappeared. However, our policies have always included support for all areas of the state for quality, affordable and readily available health care services and facilities.

80 posted on 12/12/2001 8:49:00 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse
Labor & Judiciary

The founding premise of the Grange was to support, improve, and educate the farm family.

The California State Grange, a general farm organization, strongly supports the right of a person to work for a decent wage. Regulations and rules on working conditions must reasonably assure the safety of a responsible worker without excessive expenditures for the employer. Organized labor must recognize the perishability of some commodities and exercise reasonable labor dispute practices that assure consumer availability, and that grower's future viability is not threatened.

Since its beginning, the Grange has been a family organization, and we will remain on guard, ready to oppose legislation and laws that effectively break down the basic family unit. We strongly support the rights of parents to make the decisions for the discipline and welfare of their children.

We actively support the ongoing education of all individuals, young and old, in current crime trends.

The Grange is strongly supportive of efforts to eliminate the availability of illicit drugs throughout the nation.

We support efforts to educate our population about the dangers of recreational drug use. However, we believe that the monetary benefits that come from the illegal sales of drugs is far greater than the consequences of being caught. Therefore, we favor much heavier penalties for the importation, manufacture, distribution and sales of illicit drugs.

The members of the California State Grange will support efforts to change the way prison inmates are treated. It is our conviction that prisoners are offered things that would not be available to them outside prison. Public funding for frivolous law suits and expensive exercise equipment are some of the privileges that must be removed. We believe in sensible programs of work, including such things as producing their own food and clothing are noteworthy improvements. Our penal system must become a place of punishment for those who commit crimes against society. We strongly believe the rehabilitation of career criminals is a failed social experiment, and that those criminals must be punished in full for their crimes.

Personally, I am not in favor of the war on drugs but I must abide by the policy set by the membership. The Grange is also infavor of the production of industrial hemp.

81 posted on 12/12/2001 8:54:40 AM PST by farmfriend
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To: anymouse

Transportation modes have changed during the 124 years of our existence in California, and the Grange has been intensely interested in its evolution. Transportation today, is an integral component of our societal culture, and the diversity of vehicles demand our attention to safety, economy, their effect on our environment and the supporting infrastructure.

The California State Grange is opposed to regulations, whose benefits are questionable, and could have severe safety implications. We are opposed to an increase of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards. Higher standards can only make marginal improvements in emissions, and will cause a downsizing of vehicles and thereby reduce their safety and utility.

As a general farm organization, the Grange supports research and development of bio-fuels that are based on renewable resources such as methanol. We will continue to work for less federal regulatory involvement. We will support more programs that encourage local government and private enterprise to resolve the technical details for transportation safety.

82 posted on 12/12/2001 9:00:17 AM PST by farmfriend
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