Did I mention I agree with you. None are worth the powder and lead to blow them up as the old saying goes.
I just think its time to start calling spades spades, clubs clubs, diamonds diamonds, etc.
One step forward does not make up for the 20 bass-ackwards step they take!
And as long as we keep electing the same old, same old, we're gonna get the same old, same old.
They're so bad in the 'listening to their constituents' department.....I've received goodness knows how many form letters wanting me to be on their 'advisory team' and giving me the chance to contribute to their campaigns so they can beat the bad old Dems.....I've patiently written back on these forms in large red letters why I won't vote, won't contribute, and ask them to remove my name from their mailing lists, and sent them back in their postage paid envelopes.
Logic should tell someone out there that 1) hey, this broad doesn't want to be a part of 'our team', and 2) we aren't getting any support from her either financially or advisory, and 3) sheet! it just cost us 34 cents to find this out. I'll save the campaign $$$$$ and just remove her name from our list so we can concentrate on those we can convince to send money and vote and advise our candidate!!!
Apparently this hasn't worked, so now my next plan is to merely mail them back an empty envelope--postage paid by them, of course!!!
Logic tells me....if this clown is so loose with how he spends his 'own' money, he damn sure as well ain't gonna be concerned with 'my' money!