Used Atkins used Protien Power diets. Both worked but I liked Protien Power better. Weight came back quickly with both. Now I am on a no sugars, salad and protien diet suplimented with Slimfast. Lost 50 and am realizing that this is what food is going to be about for the rest of my life.
Partisan Hack, are you male or female? I only ask because if you're female and you haven't lost any weight after seven days you might blame, uh, estrogen, water-weight gain, that sort of thing. Hang in there a few more days, if you are definitely in ketosis the weight will start coming off shortly.
Beware the,
"Thrifty Gene" & learn what it means.
There's no substitute for
proper diet; & that primarily means PORTION CONTROL.
Of course assuming one gets a handle on that -- & it's a
big one (to control)?
Good, solid excersize sessions that're
minimally performed 3 times per/week, lasting
minimally 45 minutes per session are essential.
A proper diet, combined with excersize should take care of most excess fats stored by the pesky "Thrifty Gene(s)" you've inherited from your ancestors.
'Lest you get trapped in the eternal dieting game of losing, gaining (it back) & losing forevermore.
Lastly; good luck.
...'cuz it ain't easy getting into & then staying in shape in this culture of our's.