very interesting
Help me out here, please. I tried to see what you are describing east of the PI, but I aint getting it. Can you zoom in, on your computer, exactly where you are describing, and then post the full URL here? Thanks for the info anyway.
No, I tried but couldn't. I'll give a step by step:
1: Click on my map link and let it completely load. You'll see a big center world map and an upper left little globe map.
2: You'll see 6 zoom in/zoom out circles on the right side of the big center map. Click on the fourth one down and let it completely load. You'll see part of Africa and part of the Atlantic show up in the big center map and a red rectangle show up in the little globe map.
3: Go to the little globe map, click just barely east of the Philippines. In the big center map you'll see a part of the big triangle show up on the ocean floor.
4: Go to the big center map and center your crosshairs right in the middle of the triangle and click. This will center the triangle on the big center map. You'll see the southwest flank bordering the Philippines, the northwest flank touching southern Japan (exactly where they found that big underwater stage), with the Marianas trench on the northeast flank, Guam on the southeast flank. Looks a lot like Plato's description.