You could easily do that with a few kilos of the anthrax sent to Daschle. Which do you think is the more likely threat?
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I keep seeing variations of this argument, but why would a Mohammed Atta type particulary care what we do to Baghdad in reprisal? These terrorists only seem concerned with securing their own reward in the afterlife, and it seems to me that a true believer would think that Allah would not allow the faithful to be destroyed by the United States, anyway.
A variation on the MAD doctrine might keep certain governments in line, but would have no effect on a group like Al Qaeda. If they have any nuclear or radiological capability, they will use it. That they haven't already done so is a pretty good sign that Ashcroft rounded up the right people.
Today we are face with a network of nihilist islamists.
The very essence of civilization is now under attack, not just to declare who will be running it, but if it will even exist at all.
Think about the unthinkable -- fast!
But then realize the vast enormity of dispersed agents of islamic nihilism cannot be handled by one bomb.
Bush's goofy minded and unilateral agreement to reduce the nuclear arms stockpile is wrong.
And now look how Bush was fooled by Putin during the Crawford visit if he thought the Russians would not use the Arabs against us: Russia announces cut in oil exports of 150,000 barrels a day -- conforming to the Mexico-OPEC wishes for higher prices from an alliance of both non-OPEC and OPEC producers -- AGAINST THE U.S. IN A TIME OF WAR! (Just the opposite of the alliance the Bush-X41 had in OPEC's support fot the Gulf War wherein the Arabs put in their own $60 Billion.) Come January the Russian alliance with the Arabs will hit the gaspump in your neighborhood and the recognition will slowly sink in that perhaps this is much bigger than World War III could even be imagined to be.
Bush is being caught short!