So RINO's are a good thing for the GOP?
I'll tell you friend, the sooner you expell these dogs from your 'big tent' the more solid the Republican political base will become...
When it's a choice between a liberal democrat(who votes liberal 100% of the time) and a Rino (who votes liberal 80% of the time.---YES Like it or not there are parts of this country that won't vote for a conservative.
The country would be better off with the Republicans in control of the senate. We would be getting Good Judges confirmed, and the conservative agenda would have a much better chance of becoming law. If we need a few Rino's to gain control of the senate, then lets do it.
Who would you prefer in the Senate? Lazio or HC? If Lazio had beaten HC for the NY senate. The republicans would have never lost control of the senate. Yes, We would have had another Rino in the senate. (I believe that lazio was 50-50% liberal /conservative.) but we would control the agenda. Which today means judges, national Defense, war on terrorism, etc
We stand a very good chance of regaining control of senate in 2002. Partly because we have 6 - 8 Rinos. If you want to give those seats to the democrats, we may never control the senate.