chubby babies, go to zoos, get season tickets to the Chicago Bulls, go on our childrens' field trips and fix the leak in our roofs. With all the growing pains in the life that we lead as normal Americans, everyday we turn our face to Mecca to pray to what our Christian brothers call God, our Jewish sisters call Yahweh and whom we call Allah. Nice worship the moon god..your prophet was an insane man that could neithor read nor write...murder is a sacrament to you.....I don't care where you were born or how many ball games you go to you are NOT like us....
You are heathans ...500 year behind the rest of humanity ..right where your moon god needs to keep you....
I don't care where you were born or how many ball games you go to you are NOT like us....You are heathans...where your moon god needs to keep you.... Now, easy, nurse, easy...
Just put down the hatchet and tell us how you really feel about humanity.