Real-life experiences surely beat the propaganda fed here by the Israel-firsters. Inyokern, when queried, called Jesus a "charismatic preacher". What they don't say is what counts.
It's just MissAmericanPie there seemed to me making some kind of "issue" over differing beliefs about the divinity of Jesus Christ, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the article's point.
If you're going to press some sort of "litmus test" of this kind, however, you have to be fair and consider that while Muslims don't believe Christ was the Son of God as we Christians do, they do revere Him as a Prophet; in fact, in their religion Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammed are the "big four."
Jews don't even believe He was any kind of "big deal," and in fact (as I mentioned in my response to her) there are even some who despise His very Name, because of the persecution they believe they've suffered because of Him.
Fair enough, but better be uniform in your application of that kind of logic. It's now "in" to hate Islam here on FR, but these purveyors of hatred aren't being honest in their arguments.