"... I believe the genesis of the Palestinian problem was the invasion of Palestine at the end of World War II..." Try reading the Bible a bit. With the knowledge that you gain, perhaps you can avoid making silly statements like the above.
The problem is ancient. - It began when Esau traded his birthright for a warm meal.
It began when Esau traded his birthright for a warm meal. you, unlike esau, are wise. some, however, have blamed eve for the apple thingy...
The genesis of the "problem" between Israel and Palestine began when Abraham had a child named Ishmael with his wife's, Sarah's, servant, Hagar, in accordance with the accepted practice of the times (even tho God had promised Abraham that he would be the father of the nation that would ultimately bless the whole world--Abraham and Sarah were getting on in years and, impatient, went ahead and had a child thro other means). Abraham's son with Sarah (his legal wife), Isaac, received the birthright thereby dissing Ishmael (altho God did not in any way turn Ishmael away). Ishmael is the father of the greatest enemy of Israel.
I read nearly 100 posts on this thread before I realized I was reading posts from November of 2001. Why is this thread still alive??