You must be joking or smoking weed. There was no heyday and there was no platform. Your site went into the toilet the moment you let the Afers in. They have NO desire for ANY kind of positive exchange.
Actually, the AFers were mild compared to your multiple profanity-laden posts. But, now I understand why you were so inclined. You regarded Reunion as a toilet and used it as such. Which is why I had to sanction you multiple times.
Needless to say, you did not represent FR well at all and contributed absolutely nothing to the dialog. I'm sorry to say this, but you even made the worst AFers look good by comparison.
Oh well. I understand that there's been a lot of nasty water under the bridge between you and certain AFers and it's gotten intensely personal for you. Nevertheless, I would have thought that your position at the top of FRN would have called for a more mature approach. Instead, by your borish behavior you just made the AFers seem justified in their critique. Something to think about...
Now, back to the mists I go...