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Is Free Republic a Fraud? Is it time for Free Republic to go away?
Free Republic | 11/28/01 | Jim Robinson

Posted on 11/28/2001 7:31:29 PM PST by Jim Robinson

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To: Tall_Texan
but you're all in a dither about one little website not showing you the books

its their whole existance!, its what they live for.

761 posted on 11/29/2001 12:05:01 AM PST by GeronL
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I look forward to hearing opinions, arguments, and evidences on this question from all concerned. So, let the debate continue!

Yes, and the debate did continue AFTER the fake Howlin was banned and her attacks deleted. It was quite a controversy afterwards as to whether she was the real one or fake. The forum was split in its opinion.

762 posted on 11/29/2001 12:06:38 AM PST by Arator
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To: BluesDuke

FR! All your information needs . .

763 posted on 11/29/2001 12:07:08 AM PST by alcuin
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To: zeaal
Jim Robinson said: "My projections are that our regular monthly expenses for next year will be running in the neighborhood of $22,000 per month, or approximately $264,000 total for the year. This means we will need to raise approximately $66,000 per quarter."

I bank online and have it set to send $5.00 per month. Being a senior, that's all I can afford. But the way I figure it, if EVERYBODY just sent $5.00 per month, Jim Robinson would have no problems worrying about getting enough money to keep this site running.

Think about it ... if just 10,000 sent that little bit, it would add up to $50,000 a month! Not only would that cover the expenses, but would cover a decent salary for each of the Robinsons (perfectly legit for a non-profit to have salaried employees).

For the life of me, I can't figure out why people can't do that. Most of them have a whole lot more money than I do!

764 posted on 11/29/2001 12:10:53 AM PST by JudyB1938
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To: Arator
On the financial front, it could be.

You are hilarious. When people donate, they're thinking, 'I want to give what the site is worth tom me.' Obviously, if you don't think the site is worth a hoot, you don't pay anything at all. If you think it is worth 10 bucks a month to you, you pay that. Some think it is worth more than they can afford to pay, and so give whatever they can spare. Some don't bother, because they don't have to. There is no way that could be fraud by any definition of the word. But if you think it is a fraud, don't pay, and don't post. It IS that simple.

But, whether it is or not, no one outside a closed circle of FReeper elites knows for sure.

I'm way outside of the 'closed circle' and I know for certain that my donations went precisely where I wanted them to go. I wanted them to go to whomever provided this wonderful service, and that's it. Beyond that, I don't really care what happens to the money once I've sent it, since I have enjoyed immensely what I have seen here, and since I'm still seeing it, my money, as little as it is, must have worked.

There are, however, some facts which have recently come to light which should raise concerns to all donating FReepers.... a lack of accountability at the top of FR.

No accountability is owed to me or any other freeper that has enjoyed the forum. The forum exists, and we've enjoyed it, and that is the reason we are paying- for what we took (bandwidth). If there is enough to keep it going, so much the better. What goes on between the owner and others is irrelevent to the rest of us, so long as the forum works.

Abuse is possible, even abuse of the owner and host of this forum, not to mention everyone who has ever donated to FR in good faith.

Abuse of the owner is none of our business, unless the owner asks for my help. I donated my money to hopefully cover the cost of what I've used. Nothing could be taken from me, since I have already 'collected,' and so, I cannot be 'abused.' Nor can anyone else.

Greater financial transparency would, it seems, protect not only you, the FReeper doner, but Jim Rob himself from possibly unscrupulous hangers on who may gravitate toward him and seek to use the big FR money pot for their own nefarious purposes in your (and Jim Rob's) name.

Financial transparency is neccessary and wise only for the IRS, the stockholders, if any, and the partners- not for any snoop who wants to use the information for political purposes. All funds are freely given, not coerced. The money goes to a place of Jim Rob's designation: it is his business where it goes after that... even if he wanted to give it to a 'hangers-on.' He's a big boy. The donors are all adults.

FR may or may not be a financial fraud, but it IS without a doubt a political fraud, and that is what is at the heart of all my disputes with Jim Rob.

Nope, it is just not your personal cup of tea, which is what you wanted it to be. You keep forgetting whose site it is. It is NOT the donor's site, it is not the freeper's site. It is Jim Rob's site, and whomever he designates as his partners.

Jim Rob claims to value freedom. But the way he manages his forum screams otherwise.

What you don't like is that he is USING his own property as he sees fit, in other words, he is using his own freedom. That just burns you up.

Too many of my FReeper friends to count... have been abused, bullied, censored, and finally banished merely for expressing CONSERVATIVE political opinions.

You can't be abused if you aren't here. No one is holding you hostage. You are free to go at any time, and Jim is free to toss you out, or me, if he so desires. I would hope that on my web site my freedom to kick people off of it is guaranteed if I so desired as well. That's a real CONSERVATIVE opinion.

And you cannot be censored by Jim Rob, by me or anyone else on your web site, so your rights have not been infringed in any way. You do not have a God-given or constitutional right to use someone else's property, not even for 'speech.' You're just a mooch, trying to get on the Freerepublic dole, trying to get a piece of Jim Rob's property. (And you are trying to turn Freerepublic into Freedemocracy, in my opinion.) If you have stock in FreeRepublic, then you have a right to see the books according to your contract. But you have no stock, because you are not a co-owner. Property rights are a SIMPLE conservative concept, not a great mystery. Why is it so confusing to you?

The abuse continues. Now, "Jim Rob" has a gang of stealth bullies I like to call the "Anonymoderators" to do "his" dirty work.

It's Jim Rob's company... Jim Rob can hire whome he pleases, or recruit whomever he pleases. He does not have to tell you their names any more than an employer is required to give out the home phone number of his employees to the public.

It may even be that, unbeknownst to Jim Rob, these "Anonymoderators" have abused the trust Jim Rob has given them.

Maybe, maybe not. That's his business, not yours. But they can be no more abusive than the likes of people like yourself, who admit and complain they know nothing about the way the site is run, yet who go about making accusations and inuendos about what they don't know.

The proximate cause of my last banishment was my attempt to bring to Jim Rob's attention...

Life's a bummer sometimes. Get your own site and stay on it, and you won't have to worry about moderators, will you? You just cannot stand the idea of property ownership... you think FreeRepublic is an ENTITLEMENT. You'd be happier if it was socialized, so that anyone could post on it and not be discriminated against in any way, as in, 'equal opportunity, affirmative action, equal rights act, federalization, etc.' Some conservative.

Whether I actually ever corresponded with the actual Jim Rob or not I cannot say, but, if I didn't, whoever was acting in Jim Rob's name that day made sure that I never would, for he banished me for the attempt.

You can reach Jim Rob in any number of ways. His email has been out there, even to people not registered. But you have reached him just now. Happy?

But, whatever the case may be, these "Anonymoderators", by virtue of their anonymity, are absolutely unaccountable to you.

And they can STAY that way. In fact, I think it is a good idea, so that kooks won't be harassing them like they do Jim Rob, or people who foolishly put their e-mail addresses up in public.

One thing's for sure: The carnage they have inflicted to this forum since their stealth appointment over one year ago ought to be unacceptable to all self-respecting freedom-loving FReepers.

Why? So far, YOU are the one who is trying to screw with someone else's freedom- their property rights, and their company's reputation. No one has violated your rights... not Jim, not the moderators, and not me or anyone else here.

I would urge you all to stand up this fundraising cycle and demand an end to draconian censorship, moderator abuse, and Soviet-style banishments.

NO WAY! I am against your attempts to coerce and berate others for using their property as they wish. I will stand up for Jim Robinson's freedom, his property rights and HIS free speech rights. That is what his site is about- his property. It's not some communal property. That is the essence of freedom- respecting other individual's property. It is time for you to respect his. And we'll respect yours, if you can ever figure out how to establish a web site of your own. We won't censor you on your web site, I gurantee it. No moderator can reach you there. (Tip: there are free web servers out there to help you get started.) You can take the communal BS there, and offer your web site to as many people like yourself as you want, and let them post whatever they please on it.

To see why, consider the last thread of mine summarily pulled by Jim Rob's rogue gang of "Anonymoderator" thugs:

It's all about you, isn't it? JIm Rob appointed a moderator, The moderator deleted your post. Live with it- obviously you still have a copy. Now take the copy and put it on geocities or buy your own domain name and put up a web where you can type to your heart's content. It is very easy to do. What is hard, is trying to get others to read it. You have to submit it to search engines and so forth, or get people to link to it. That's too much work for some folks, so they think they should have a right to be read here, because the staff here has already done the work and the search engines prowl the site frequently. You want to be able to freely take whatever advertisement and bandwidth you want, no strings attached. But you have no right to what you take.

THIS is what FReeping OUGHT TO BE ABOUT.

Well, go freep on your own site and them you can determine what 'it is all about.'

But, it's not. Instead, it's all about some small-minded "Anonymoderator" who, drunk with his/her own power to stifle debate and squelch views he/she can't understand, summarily flushes the entire thread right out from under us.

Repeat after me: property rights, property a forum of your own, and then YOU will have property rights to it.

Now, why on earth would I (or anyone) want to subject themselves to such abuse, much less pay for it?

Don't pay for it, don't come here, and you won't be subject to anything. Those who want others to feed them, must get used to the taste of other people's cooking. Comprende?

This is why FR will die unless it changes.

If it dies, it dies. But if you know what a good site is all about, go prove it by setting up your own. Demonstrate your knowledge of how to run a web site by outperforming Free Republic.

Only YOU can force such positive change by demanding it.

Why? What right do I have to dictate how he uses his web site? If I don't like his site, I don't have to come here. If I thought I could do better, I'd set up my own and outdo him.

I would urge you all to screw up your courage and do this, before it's too late for anyone to save FR from itself.

You are SUCH A LIBERAL. Hillary used the same sort of logic when she tried to socialize health care- to 'save it from itself.' 'It takes a village to overthrow a web site owner.' 'Save the suckerfish, the spotted owl, the starving artist.' 'Save the world from the imperialsit yankees.' Be like congress, coming up with Social Security to 'save us from ourselves,' but instead making people dependent on government and depriving them of opportunity to act as responsible individuals. Your motto should be 'moochers of the world, unite!'

Since, barring significant changes in FR's moderation policies, this will be my last post to FR, I leave you all with links to some of my censored samizdat advocating FReeper freedom:

Well, finally some good news from you.

There are no such things as 'group rights,' no 'freeper rights.' All 'group rights' end up in failure. When people dabble in 'group rights,' it is ALWAYS at the expense of individual rights. You are trying to assert 'freeper' rights over those of the owner. That's wrong. We're not stockholders, we are guests.

765 posted on 11/29/2001 12:11:48 AM PST by piasa
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To: GeronL

Don't you know Carol-HuMex? She can't stand Texas for some reason. Keeps trying to swim across the Rio into Mexico and keeps getting caught. Now she's trying to get into Cuba.

766 posted on 11/29/2001 12:13:01 AM PST by Gracey
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To: GeronL
Amazing. As a relative ostrich in these matters, I wouldn't have the time nor the inclination to take such a petty thing so far. The point of charity (and that's what a donation is) is to give freely with an open heart. I have no way to know if the begger is going to use my dollar for booze or porn instead of a sandwich but it ain't worth my time to follow him around and find out. I give with a clear conscience. If it turns out I've been ripped off, I'll let God deal with him.
767 posted on 11/29/2001 12:15:43 AM PST by Tall_Texan
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To: Ace2U
In spite of the nasty names you have called me in the past, I wish you the best. Take care.
768 posted on 11/29/2001 12:18:24 AM PST by DB
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You'll appreciate this from Arator to TKEman, post # 692:

As much as I find TKEMan's pro-censorship anti-freedom views abhorant, I would never want to see him banished for them. Instead, I would like to explode them with irresistable argument, leaving their rotting carcus in public view for all to see. ;^)

Rumor has it that Arator has a website where he bans people for verbally challenging him. Rumor has it that they left his rotting carcass in public view for all to see. Rumor has it that his remaining members refer to him now as 'Stinky'.

Any truth to the rumors? You seem like someone who would know.

769 posted on 11/29/2001 12:21:22 AM PST by unsycophant
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To: Jim Robinson
Don't you understand? If you give up and give in, the detractors and naysayers will get EXACTLY what they're after!
I love this forum, and so do thousands of other loyal FReepers.
Why not just ignore the braying jack@sses who envy you and your circle of friends?

Freerepublic forever!

770 posted on 11/29/2001 12:22:04 AM PST by petuniasevan
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To: Jim Robinson
Before Free Republic, the Left was in control. There were precious few Conservative voices out there. Now Conservatives are a force to be reckoned with. You made this possible. Your members made it great. Please don't let the enemys silence you or this site. It plays a pivotal role in the destiny of our land!
771 posted on 11/29/2001 12:22:15 AM PST by brat
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To: Gracey
RE: #766 --- ROFLMBO! Too funny in print!
772 posted on 11/29/2001 12:23:38 AM PST by onyx
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Oh, Lordy, Lord, Tonkin'!!! Free Republic probably gets more of my money than I do, but that's entirely beside the point. I love Jim Robinson and would not leave as long as he is there even if we don't see him nearly as often as we used to. Having nominated him for the CPAC award this year, there ain't no way I'm leavin' until we can make this a Robinson Dynasty/Legacy. Yes, John????? There IS a Clinton Legacy and WE ARE IT. Thank G-d!!!
BTW, Tonkin, I think I love you....LOL. It has been an honor, sir, and a very great pleasure to be on your *list*.
773 posted on 11/29/2001 12:24:00 AM PST by NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh
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To: TKEman
Just some food for thought.

If I send $50 to FR how can I be ripped off? After all I got more than my $50 worth prior to sending the money. We each send what we think it is worth to us. I can't be ripped off because my expectations are being met. I choose its value.

Frankly I wish Jim was getting rich off this operation. He deserves to. Sadly he isn't.

774 posted on 11/29/2001 12:28:58 AM PST by DB
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To: Arator
As much as I find TKEMan's pro-censorship anti-freedom views abhorant, I would never want to see him banished for them. Instead, I would like to explode them with irresistable argument, leaving their rotting carcus in public view for all to see.

Did you get that line from a comic book? A cheesy video game?

775 posted on 11/29/2001 12:35:12 AM PST by gogeo
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To: NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh
"and a very great pleasure to be on your *list*."

Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts.
And on my list you will be until you tell me otherwise.
But be forwarned, sometimes it can be stormy weather!

776 posted on 11/29/2001 12:38:28 AM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: piasa
piasa, your vigilant defense of Jim Rob's private property rights completely ignores the private property rights of the would-be FReeper doner.

The money FReepers might donate is THEIR private property to do with as THEY wish. If they do not wish to donate their money to a forum which subjects them and their friends to draconian censorship, moderator abuse, and Soviet-style banishments, that is THEIR call, and they are perfectly within THEIR rights to withhold both THEIR donations and/or THEIR participation until FR stops systematically abusing its guests.

If more FReepers would exercise THEIR rights, the present draconian "Anonymoderator" regime could not long stand.

777 posted on 11/29/2001 12:40:29 AM PST by Arator
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To: piasa
take a breath =o)
778 posted on 11/29/2001 12:40:33 AM PST by GeronL
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To: Jim Robinson
FreeRepublic is my home page. It's the first thing I look at in the morning and the last thing before I go to bed at night. It's been that way for a couple of years.

I've never once had a doubt about you, JR, or the site. You don't say a whole lot but when you do I take it as gospel.

This site attracts many people and some of them are going to be klunkers. Some of those klunkers are the type to want to rule the roost when they stay overnight at another's hen-house. All you can do is ask them to leave or ban them from the building. Pity people can't be more mature.

779 posted on 11/29/2001 12:42:02 AM PST by Glenn
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To: Silverdrake
Okay, FYI ... I have been here for a long time. When I first came here, I lurked for many mnths BEFORE I joined. Then I didn't post much, but kept reading and reading and silently cheering prople on. Most people did that, back then. We got the lay of the land, so to speak, and except for people ( ? ) like Eschoir, and a few others, this was a VERY curtious, interesting place. There were " fun " threads, but NO ONE posted junk, such as " I JUST FOUND OUT I'M PREGNANT " , in Breaking News ! Yes, there was such a vanity here, and it WAS posted in " Breaking News ", by a newbie.

If you wanted to get to know someone / just chat, there was a FREEPER / FreeRepublic chat roomm, and The Alley.

There are fewer and fewer threads , now, that are political / current events ; shunted aside by " WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE LINE FROM A MOVIE ? ", " WHAT WAS YOUR FAV MUNCHIE, AFTER DOING POT ? ". and tonight's gem " HOW FAST HAVE YOU EVER DRIVEN ? " If YOU can find a redeeming feature in this waste of bandwidth, you're a better man than I; Gunga Din. LOL Oh, and I'm NOT a man !

780 posted on 11/29/2001 12:43:53 AM PST by nopardons
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