Day by day - moment by moment - it is becoming crystal clear to all who can see that the Democratic Party is "with the terrorists" rather than with Americans!
Get him, Republicans! Make it plain! Terrorism has been prevented, American lives have been saved, by the arrests and detaining of the people now in custody.
This American is very very grateful to the Bush administration, and AG AShcroft, for their efforts to stop the terrorists, to bring them to justice, or justice to them!
Every time a Democrat opens his/her mouth - it is clear they want to:
Further worsen the economy for political gain
Furrhter endanger Americans by coddling terrorists and ignoring the fact that we are AT WAR!
Agreed. Let's expand the discussion a bit. How about words or deeds that give aid of comfort to the enemy during wartime? Are there congressional immunities? Federal government immunities? Citizen immunities (free speech issues)?