Sorry. I just don't buy into this. I guess my biggest problem is the overall premise ... it is only the year 1422 in the Islamic calendar. (Islamic years are even shorter than Gregorian years, so you can't compare.. ) BUT even if you wanted to, how does only 1422 years equate to an ancient culture when it is not...
Trying to interpret obscurisms from past saints' writings as validation of a current belief while condeming Harry Potter seems, well looney to me.
When Ishmael was cast out and God said that his decendants would forever be against the world and the world against them, like a wild donkey. The clans that eventually became what we know today as "Arabs" were called Ishmaelites at that time. This is not just religion, it's historical fact.
Nobody, not scientist, historian or scholar can deny the truth of this uncanny prophesy in genesis. I challenge you to find any prediction, from any text (religious or otherwise) that has held so true, for so long.
It kind of takes your breath away when you really think about it.