I sourced a few great pages from the Susan B Anthony mailing list above. If you consider yourself to be pro-life, this group needs you on their mailing list, and for you to consider them on your donations list. Since I am NOT female, I am somewhat handicapped in my ability to speak out on this topic as much as I would like to. As women (my wife included) have the strongest voice in this topic, the Susan B Anthony group is focused from that strength and its history, and even us men can support them.
Men and women both need to continue to be vocal in this front. What can you do?
1 - If you haven't already done so, please add your signature to the petition for the unborn (and ask others to do likewise)
These little ones need our voice to speak out for them. (original "Freepers" thread)
2 - Sign the specific Susan B Anthony petition against partial birth abortions. Even the most active "pro-choicers" that I know try to insist that this "isn't a problem". Arm yourself with the facts, and you will do well to disarm their un-truths as to what horror is going on with these late term "terminations." 2 - Visit the Susan B Anthony "Action Alert List" and use it to contact your Government Representatives on "Life" issues.
3 - Help to get out the "facts" to your friends and relatives. Here is a great website that SBA offers to assist you.
4 - Support , as well as Concerned Women for America (another great RIGHT "Women's" rights organisation) by getting on their mailing lists, donating, being active in your community and get others to do likewise.
The unborn need your voice .... they have no other.
---a reference to the Holocaust by Franz Stangl, Nazi commandant of extermination camps in Sobibor (March, 1942 -September, 1942) and Treblinka (September, 1942 - August, 1943).
Interviewed by Gitta Sereny in 1970, Stangl's comments later appeared in the book Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience (1983).