One of the paragraphs from the first link above:
In St. Peter's Basilica, a skilled workforce has maintained the sacred sanctuary for centuries a tradition begun when the basilica was rebuilt in the mid-16th century and handed down from generation to generation. These are the sampietrini otherwise known as the men of St. Peter. National Geographic captures on film some of their breathtaking, high-wire duties, such as dusting Bernini's ornate, nearly 100-foot tall baldachino, which sits directly above the papal altar, for an upcoming ceremony. Archival footage shows the sampietrini's preparation for what may have been the last candle illumination of the basilica, a process that involved placing and lighting thousands of candles throughout the dome and colonnade.
A mini-site of background information by National Geographic.
Some of you may have already seen it. What is your opinion of the show? PBS' viewpoint doesn't tend to be pro-Catholic, does anyone know what National Goegraphic's viewpoint tends to be?