Mohammad owned and trafficed in slaves. Jesus did not.
Mohammad married a six-year-old girl. Jesus did not.
Mohammad led wars of conquest and profit. Jesus did not.
Mohammad had his enemies executed. Jesus did not.
Mohammad created a religion which he used to enrich himself. Jesus did not.
More important, Jesus forgave His enemies as he hung on the Cross.
God bless you freind I can use this information.
The world situation at the time of Christ pretty much excluded the possiblity of Christ leading wars. The Romans had things pretty much under control. Chirst would have been foolish to start a war against the Romans or any of their protected states. The Jews tried it a few decades later and look what happened to them.
The biblical censors probably cleansed the historical text of any really outrageous acts by Christ. The one that did get through was his attack on the buisness men in the temple. Somehow, the biblical censors managed to turn his terrorist attack of the temple business men into a rightious indignation. The theory of rightious indignation has been used by christians to justify centuries of criminal acts. The christian cults do not need any stories of war. They have rightious indignation to cover anything and everything.