Midsummer Night's Dream
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Once and Future King
Alice in Wonderland
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
The Sorcerer's Apprentice from "Fantasia"
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Mary Poppins
Where was the ouotcry over these titles? There are too many to mention. The Harry Potter critics are using the popularity of the series to propel themselves into the limelight.
Have you read the Potter books? Or are you simply following along blindly?
Every one of those titles do not reference direct Wiccan spells and practices like Harry Potter does. I don't have a problem with fantasy stories as a general rule, but when the references are literally taken fron Wiccan texts it goes too far. If your child wanted to see a movie based on the wonders and joyous practices of militant Islam you probably wouldn't be too thrilled about it. In fact you just might stop them from seeing it.