Well now that's a response worthy of your MA degree, please respond to the point. If you feel so sincere about the treatment of slaves. Surely you would be willing to pay reparations for the North's part in the inhumane treatment of them. You cannot deny that America as a country started and promoted the institution and reaped the benefits.
Or, is your debt paid? You are a hypocrite, the war was not just about slavery, the north prostituted the issue then and they still do today. You used the black man just as liberals do today. The northern states should have to pay a larger share of any reparations.
If you think I am way off base, you better start reading some of the arguments for reparations. The war does not release you from liability according to those who want them.
You are playing with and for the liberals each time you attack the old South.
A better position is that Slavery of any kind is and was wrong. It was the unfortunate bi-product of an evolving nation. The war was not about slavery as an institution but rather how to end or manage an end to it, by the states or the federal government.