Most of them, if not all.
Perhaps this will help to understand the situation.
If one is not for Christ then one is antiChristian. The antiChristian actions will be played by the Adversary to add chaos, confusion, and in direct rejection of God's will. Even in the situations where one seeks light independent of God, then one might follow Lucifer's same path.
"The invisible war is waged by men and Satan against each other and against God. The Lord, high over all is not on the lists as an opponent or a combatant. ...Man and Satan are opposed to each other, the two in their positions, each subordinate to God. ... Lucifer became Satan and declared war upon God. God, by nature hating rebellion, sin, unrighteousness, and imperfection immediately manifested His righteousness by judgment and he conflict was on. ...There is only one will in the universe that can provide peace and order and righteousness, and that is the will of God.
When man sinned, he became detached from God, but did not become attached to Satan. Man became attached to his own way (Isaiah 53:6)...."The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.(Romans 8:7,8)"...
Satan would have desired Man as his ally, if not as his subject, but God would not allow it that way."......from The Invisible War, by Donald Grey Barnhouse