In what may be a shock to some and especially to certain liberals and disrupters, Free Republic was not created to "debate" liberal ideas or policy or to allow the liberals and moderates the advantage of setting the subject or tone of the discussion. For example, there is absolutely no need to debate the subjects of homosexuality or racism or federal control over education, health, welfare and the environment, or globalism, or gun control, or social security, or any of the other hundreds of touchy feely causes that our detractors use as bait to trap us and to rob us of our freedom. I'd just as soon none of it even appears on the pages of Free Republic at all, other than to expose the lying politicians and media. Debate on these issues leads only to compromise. And when we are speaking of the larger concepts of equality under the law, separation of powers, self government, Freedom, and Liberty there can be no room for debate or compromise.