To: winslow
From one who knows,
Packard-Bells were notorious for two problems, one was poor quality HD, and the other was modem combined with a soundcard. HDs were made in Korea by Samsung, their life-span was exactly 2 years after which they died with all your staff on them. Upgrading modems used to be geeks weekend activity until 3 years ago when all stopped at 56k. The PB modem sound card thingy made it impossibile to upgrade the modem without tossing the whole thingy out of the machine, translated to countless hours wasted+a new modem + new sound card = big $$+aggravation. Other than that Packard-Bells were not so bad. You use PC66 RAM; Im guessing your processor speed is between 200-300 MHz. It is a neat little machine worth a minimal upgrade. You can check the amount of RAM you have by right-clicking on My Computer and left-clicking on Properties. If your RAM is 32 get another 64MB of PC100, and you should be all set with 96MB. HD may cost you significantly more, first look inside who made it. If its not a Samsung or other Korean brand, then leave it in. Spend minimum on it.
Youll have to forgive the FReepers who tell you to go get new machine they dont realize the price differences between US and Ireland. Regards.
To: I Believe It's Not Butter
they dont realize the price differences between US and Ireland. Regards.If it is that expensive, maybe with the current low airfares, it would be cheaper to fly to the US, buy a cheap PC here, and bring it back. (I don't know what the import duties would be, and I guess smuggling is out, so that may be a sticking point.) Anything is better than upgrading that Packard. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson