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To: KillerWabbit
Your comments about the legal ramifications of marriage are appropriate. They certainly have a bearing on whether men will marry. Remember Michael Douglas had Catherine Zeta-Jones, the most beautiful woman in the world according to some, sign a pre-nuptial agreement? Many men have gone to that.

Look at it this way. Many woman are used to going from guy to guy for sex almost from puberty. They are used to no-commitments and casual relationships. Certainly, the guy meets the woman of his dreams. He sees stars, the birds sing for the first time, the poor guy is totally screwed up. He cannot think of anything but the woman. He wants to make her his very own. The only problem is, the woman of his dreams belongs to every dude in town, but he cannot see that. Then he marries this paragon of virtue, and things are ok for maybe a few months or even a few years. Then the world's most perfect woman gets that roaming look in her eyes. She finds another lover, or maybe lovers.

The poor sucker husband finds out that his perfect woman has been screwing every dude in town again. He files for divorce. The judge awards everything to the woman. The guy has to support her and any kids they may have for the duration of someone's life. The guy is bankrupt, but he has to continue coming up with those payments.

Where has romance and marriage gone? Remember a song about, Where have all the flowers gone? If the husband is the thinking type, he takes the next train out of town and never looks back. All of this takes its toll on society of course, but it also plays hell with commitment, marriage, and romance.

219 posted on 11/16/2001 1:09:32 PM PST by Don Myers
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To: Don Myers
Certainly, the guy meets the woman of his dreams. He sees stars, the birds sing for the first time, the poor guy is totally screwed up.

LOL! I seem to have a dim memory of going through something like that many years ago!

Re the rest of your reply, that seems to have been very experience of the guy who wrote that book -- sort of a poison-pen letter way of getting even. ;o)

223 posted on 11/16/2001 1:09:55 PM PST by KillerWabbit
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