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What is Wrong with Female Voters? Exit Polls ^

Posted on 11/13/2001 8:13:31 PM PST by FF578

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To: dixiemelody
I just know that I am one of the smart ones. *smile* And even though my team is really down right now ...ROLL TIDE! Sorry...I couldn't resist either.

I'm sure you are one of the smart ones; you're in this forum. And although I am a graduate of Auburn, it's really an accident of geography (was stationed in Montgomery in USAF) and I never got into the intrastate rivalry (grew up a Michigan Wolverines fan). I was just pulling your leg and have no enmity toward 'Bama, so you can ROLL TIDE all you want with me and I have no objections. I'm sure they'll rise again, although it might take a few years.

301 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:27 PM PST by constable tom
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To: Looking4Truth
There are plenty of people who were completely disgusted with his poor excuse of an intimate kiss. It was discussed right here on FR. First off, we don't need to see him, or any other politician, deep kiss his wife. And if he *does* do, at least learn how it's done properly. lol

I have a feeling ole tippy was big time ticked over that display of inhuman assault.

302 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:27 PM PST by homeschool mama
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To: homeschool mama
I wish your number were closer to 30,000,000. but 30 is a start. No, 30 is a good start.
303 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:28 PM PST by gunshy
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To: constable tom
My cousin's wife abandoned the family a number of years ago. Four young kiddos left with my cousin, their father. He of course took on the task of raising them..he's their father. But he also took her to court and ended up receiving a sizable chunk of her pay every month...automatically deducted. ; o)

Times are changing and I'm glad about that actually. Whoever has custody of the children should receive child support from the other parent.

304 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:28 PM PST by homeschool mama
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I'll agree with that to a point. I've seen men do the very same thing...but personally witnessed it being the woman.

What's truly sad is that this kind of selfish, prideful, and hurtful behavior results in devastating the child. That's a crime.

305 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:28 PM PST by homeschool mama
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To: lavaroise
**Flight 93 ended up not being about heroes, it ended up being about gays saving the day**

huh? I've never heard anything on the news about gays saving the day. Mostly I've heard about Todd Beamer and his conversation with an operator then the 'lets roll' comment before they rushed the cockpit. where have you heard about the gay thing?

306 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:29 PM PST by homeschool mama
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To: homeschool mama
What were those headlines about the hero gay pilot? Was that flight93? I think it was.
307 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:29 PM PST by lavaroise
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To: joathome
Ahhh...but if the spouse contintues his/her ways by having more affairs then the other spouse has every right to divorce rather than be used as a doormat.

Remaining in a marriage and seeking to heal *is* the better avenue...but many times affairs continue.

308 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:30 PM PST by homeschool mama
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To: gunshy
Those are just the 30 ladies in the homeschool group I lead. My friends outside of that group bring the number higher...There are more than we can imagine actually.
309 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:31 PM PST by homeschool mama
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To: lavaroise
I must live in a cave then...or look at a different FR site than others. lol! I truly don't remember seeing such headlines. Then again, I don't subscribe to a Sacramento it's a liberal scum publication.
310 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:31 PM PST by homeschool mama
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To: lavaroise
  1. Just as men have become chicken and cannot fight terrorists with razor blades in an airplane, women have instinctively sided with marriage with government. 90% of America is on the left. - by lavaroise

  2. There is just so much wrong with your thinking, I don't know where to begin. How about with Flight 93? So much for chicken men. - by constable_tom

  3. The rise of gay power in America, a minority of minorities, is telling as to what the American mind is all about. Flight 93 ended up not being about heroes, it ended up being about gays saving the day. Wake up America. - by lavaroise

non sequitur

n. '(it) does not follow'; illogical deduction; fallacy; anacoluthon.

This original topic on this thread questions why the majority of women have been voting (liberal) Democratic. You come in here and make a ridiculous blanket statement about men in this country being too chicken to fight terrorists armed with razor blades, which is a blatantly stupid and insulting remark considering what we know about Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, and when I call you on it, you start spouting about how gay men are ruining this country?

The illogical thinking you clearly demonstrate is frightening.

311 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:39 PM PST by constable tom
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To: Don Myers
Personally, I think that when a spouse has an affair, the marriage bond has been broken.

From what I've seen, I think you're right. Once the vows are broken because one spouse strayed the other is usually a sucker if they stay. They are being exposed to deadly diseases, they risk losing their fertility. A cheater rarely reforms especially if they know they can get by with it. Often the cheater prefers to stay married because they haven't yet found what they're looking for, they'll keep looking until they find it.

312 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:40 PM PST by FITZ
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313 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:41 PM PST by Khepera
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To: *Abortion_list
314 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:41 PM PST by Khepera
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To: constable tom
It's fairly simple. Mine are compeling assumptions.

A. 50% of America is liberal and supports economical welfare to people who refuse to work.

B. The other 50% of America is conservative and claims it does not support economic welfare at the expense of not protecting the sources of welfare, i.e. the industry and the workers who grow the economy... a noble deed of manly protection of "the Garden of Eden" if you asked me.

C. Within that 50% of America supporting the growing of the economy you have 75% of those conservatives who do not want to pay taxes for a military, prefering airline industry bailouts instead of ammo for the army. They whine the minute the economy turns sour, vote for Clinton twice, all because we waged an expensive Gulf war that cost them their jobs. Also most of them would hate to lose their carreer and college progress by bearing arms for the country. If not they do not vote at all.

D. Hence conservatives in America are not conservatives, because they are on army welfare. Worse, they do not even have the courage to vote. They want others to fight for them: arabs, Chinese and what not.

E. Hence America is mostly pro-welfare and to the left. The peace nicks protesting against Nam were not leftists, they also were "conservatives" who did not want to lose a career. Hence, after Nam, liberals were appaled when they saw that their revolution only served to prop up the careers of conservatives while true conservatives were appaled to see that they were betrayed by those calling themselves conservatives. I believe this is what some Nam Vets feel, because THE WHOLE COUNTRY GAVE UP ON THEM, not just liberals.

F. By extention, if we look at women's behavior, the propensity of women to vote for big liberal government follows this pattern. In addition the welfare state provides a bonanza for women, because women can crank kids, kick the men out, and get money from the government for that. Hence the women in America have found the government to be the greatest husband there is, not including the feminists who have successfuly transformed our local courts into man hating and bashing institutions, always convicting men to jail, seldom the women.

G. The gay movement and the nation-wide support of the gay movement goes hand in hand with this pattern where men do not look forward to be men, but to be women, wedded to the government with gay rights social contracts.

H. And yes, it is deplorable that muslim men with cutters were able to get their way, and isn't it ironic that a gay pilot was hailed a hero. It simply fit the pattern that America has come to accept: feminine pro welfare attitude rules in every dimention.

315 posted on 11/16/2001 1:17:18 PM PST by lavaroise
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To: joathome
I believe that in many marriages, when one partner has an affair, the other decides to stay with that partner because he or she thinks they have no other place to go. In other words, they think that living with that partner is better than facing an uncertain future alone. They became comfortable in the marriage, and they cannot give it up. They decide to make the best of a bad situation because they cannot make another situation. This is not love, it is fear of the unknown.

Often, when one partner has an affair, he or she will have others. The inclination to have affairs will not go away. The partner who has affairs has shown that he or she cannot resist the illicit love affair.

The innocent partner may rationalize acceptance of the love affairs from the standpoint of it is no big thing or not big enough to make me move out and face the prospect of being alone. The innocent partner may decide to also have affairs. But the damage is done to the relationship.

The partners may be able to work things out. Many cannot. It depends on the people themselves.

316 posted on 11/16/2001 1:17:46 PM PST by Don Myers
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"Often the cheater prefers to stay married because they haven't yet found what they're looking for, they'll keep looking until they find it."

Cheating is definitely a sign of trouble in the marriage. And I think that they will continue cheating.

317 posted on 11/16/2001 1:17:47 PM PST by Don Myers
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To: JD86
also single women (never married) tend to be younger...and more we all grow up and get our hormones under control, we have more sense...and become more conservative.

Churchill is reputed to have said: "if you are 18 and a conservative, you have no heart. if you are 30 and liberal, you have no brain." (paraphasing the great man)

So this makes me heartless but not brainless.

318 posted on 11/16/2001 1:17:54 PM PST by ffrancone
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To: homeschool mama
Absolutely. When I say "repent" I mean true repentance. "Nuff said. :)
319 posted on 11/16/2001 1:18:03 PM PST by joathome
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To: Don Myers
"Cheating is definitely a sign of trouble in the marriage. And I think that they will continue cheating." Again, I must disagree. Cheating "may" be a sign that there is a trouble in the "marriage", but often it is a sign that the cheating spouse has a problem with himself.

Many men (and some women) enter a marriage addicted to porn, for example. Doesn't matter if wife is a cute little babe and great in bed. The problem is inside the man. And then, porn just isn't enough for some men. The lure of the illicit....the forbidden is just too great, and some eventually succomb.

What we are seeing in the church is men who are hitting rock bottom with one-night-stand type affairs, confessing, and finally dealing with their porn addiction. Some, fortunately, begin to deal with the addiction before they hit bottom.

There are a variety of reasons why spouses "cheat"; just pointing out that dissatisfaction with the marriage, or spouse, is only one reason.

320 posted on 11/16/2001 1:18:14 PM PST by joathome
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