Why don't you try, www.langalist.com & see if you find him & his info useful?
I now *subscribe* to Fred's "pay" newsletter titled, "LangaListPlus."
Let me tell you, Fred charges a *whopping* $10 p/year (w/ NO SPAM!!) for not only the best expertise in the business when it comes to Windows et al (IMO); BUT, also an assortment of unbelievable links to 100s of computer hardware & software sites.
Each site's first checked-out & approved for safety, content, & credibility first, by FredL himself.
There's a poster here by the name of, "Kermit" (whose also been known to go by the name, "JabbaTheTuft") who referred me to FLanga a couple years ago.
I'm so thankful to this Kermit guy for turning me onto FredL, I'd by him a case of Heineken if I knew how to find him.
Try it.
I'll check it out. ...as soon as I get these Unixware 7 bootable floppies remade after my customization. hehe, I am hands on for sure. "Senior Research and Development Engineer" for a computer company. ha! What a title.....should just be hacker/cracker/slacker :-)
Thanks again.