As an offical "PB Co. Bush Observer",
whom Carol Roberts personally accused of "changing the rules after the election,"
I can say it was
only because the Bush team sent in the "A Team" (myself excluded) and had Governors, etc. as volunteer observers, etc.,
and Bush had the superior Legal argument and the better team and
that Bush's REAL margin was measurably greater than the numbers after RAT tampering and vote stealing in Broward Co. & Palm Beach County, indicate,
(e.g., the well-documented plot by Gore and Team Gore to steal the militry overseas ballots & disenfranchise large numbers of the military,
(while allowing several thousand Democat-voting FELONS to vote for Gore!!),
which disenfraNCHISEMENT OF THE MILITRY VOTE was partially successful)
that the election wasn't stolen by Gore.