Respectfully disagree, as Turkey is shaky at best. All of Islam and the Arab world seeks to deny any form of democracy, freedom of worship, and marches backward to the brutality of the middle ages. There isn't one Islamic country in which, as a woman, I would want to live. Islamic values widely differ from ours. For example, if I were to go live in Algeria or some other Islamic utopia, my future husband would [according to the Qu'ran] be entitled to 4 wives. I would have to completely veil myself from head to toe because it is evil to be seen. I would eventually be pressured into converting to Islam because I would be a Christian infidel defiling the holy Islamic land of wherever, and if I am disobedient the Qu'ran says it is lawful for the husband to beat me. And if I do not like this I may be found at the bottom of a ravine somewhere and no one in the Islamic judicial system will give a rat because justice there, really means something entirely else.
No...Islam cannot be reconciled with democracy and is not friendly in any way toward western Judeo-Christian beliefs.