Peruvian Hernando de Soto's earth-shatteringly important book, and work in numerous developing nations, seen in his (profound and highly empirical studies in):
"The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Succeeds in the West & Fails Everywhre Else"
complements this picture,
by showing that
Title for real property
is the Foundation and basis for wealth creation and Capital formation,
and that even the POOR in LDCs have "Dead Capital" untitled capital in untitled property that VASTLY EXCEEDS 100-150 YEARS (!!) of Maximum Foreign aid from the "have" nations,
thus turning all the Leftist-ignorant-wrongheaded assumptions of Development Economics on their head!
Considering Rush's frequently repeated example of starving Plymouth colony, which rapidly produced an abundance of food when the communitarian rules were loosened, maybe Utopian, as well? BTW:LDC=less developed country?...Ehh..where does Max Weber fit in to the story?