Our government must not let this happen again. Mr. Cheney said today he believes it will happen again. What kind of message does that send to the enemy?
I still have nightmares almost every night, vividly recalling everything I saw that day and the two times I thought I was going to die.
The saddest thing is the news media has self-censored most of the truly awful pictures and video. They think we're children and refuse to let us see any of it, even though there are untold thousands of such photos and probably at least hundreds of such videos.
NYC GOP Chick says we need to be able to rekindle the pain, to remind the public what we're fighting for as they start to tune out again. I agree totally, but in my mind, we were never allowed to truly feel the pain in the first place. And we never will be. Because the media has made the decision for us that we can't handle the truth.