God is God. You may have a problem with that, but I do not. He determines things, not me.
Also, how on Earth do you expect Christ to "die" for all, and yet have God say it is his will to save everyone....when only some come? GOD FAILED AND CHRIST DIED IN VAIN if you are correct. I believe God did not fail. Christ's death was not in vain and the will of God is accomplished ALWAYS. How is it possible that man, loving his sin and TOTALLY UNABLE to love or even understand the things of God, can come to faith in Christ without the Holy Spirit first bringing him? You see, it is not possible for him to understand the Gospel at all. It is not possible for him to come to faith. God has to take the first step. Scripture says it is predestination. The Holy Spirit then converts those who were predestined.
As I said in #228 above, "In doing this, He (God) made sure that He gave each man just a sufficient amount of grace (theologians call it 'pre-venient grace', i.e. 'going-before' grace) so that each man would have no excuse for not accepting His Son."
God wants our love, not just a bunch of mindless automatons. He carefully balances the scales for each of us, so every man -- every one reading these words -- has a real and present opportunity to meet the Master and gain eternal life. Anything less isn't the Good News of the Gospel.