UNICEF's Pornographic Sex Education UNICEF uses pornographic sex education programs. The programs were purchased from the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) to "educate" children. The films, produced by JOICFP and MEXFAM, the Mexican IPPF affiliate, are titled "The Blue Pigeon" and "Music For Two. " The "Blue Pigeon" is a cartoon targeted at 10 and 12-year-old children which graphically depicts sexual intercourse between two children attending a children's picnic. "Music for Two" depicts a young girl who imagines herself married. In her fantasy she sees an image of a tired, overworked and overburdened, pregnant woman with several children. Her husband is shown as indifferent and uninterested in either his wife or the children. The negative message is that, in marriage, women become nothing more than breeders and slaves. As the girl acts out her sexual fantasies with a young boy in her neighborhood they engage in graphically depicted sexual intercourse after outfitting each other with birth control devices. At the end of the film, the girl skips off happily, having had commitment-free intercourse without the prospect of a burdensome marriage (Patricia Poppe, Luis Maria Aller Atucha, "Integrated Project and IEC Materials in Guatemala and Mexico, " JOICFP).