They might also remember she declared the police officers in NYC who were later ACQUITTED guilty.
Or they might remember that she AND her husband freed OTHER terrorists!
I know, I know. I guess that "love your good to them who spitefully use you.." (something like that) makes me soft sometimes. I think that doesn't mean "be a doormat" which she would gleefully make out of her every political foe.
I can admit when I am wrong. (I just don't need to very often, lol)
And I know we are suppose to be better than they are, and we hate it when they do it to us, but I swear, it just made my dang day when they booed her because it proved what we here at FR have said all along: her audiences and her interviews are handpicked and she is NEVER around the great unwashed masses that could/would ask her questions about every "scandal" she has been involved in.
At last, she was in a situation she could not control -- and see what she got -- DISAPPROVAL.
I loved it! They humiliated US for eight years; their turn! Think of it this way: he SHOULD have been removed from office, but since he wasn't, public humiliation and exposure works for me!