The best part is when co-workers or frieds will stop by, ring the bell and say "Trick-or-Beer"! -I keep cold beer in the fridge for any adult who cares for a cold one.
...and I go next door and visit with neighbors, too, sampling their candy. We talk about the kids we've seen and have a chance to socialize for a few minutes. Then, one of my neighbors down the street always have an elaborate display in their yard. They also turn their garage into a haunted house....lots of fun, and not too scary.
I always loved Halloween as a child, but my mom hated it...her parents were from Europe and they thought begging for treats was tacky or inappropriate or something along those lines.
Honestly, the best Halloween I ever had was when my friend had a party. Her parents dressed up too and made pizza and great treats, and did spooky things like "put your hand in the bowl of eyes...muhuhahahaha!" (It was olives.)
Her dad dressed as the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and he was truly spooky. : )