Just how are "we" going to stop it. My Kongressmen and senators pay absolutely no attention to anything I write, although I usually get a form letter back which says something to the effect that "I understand your concerns and will take them into account", but they go ahead and vote for more restrictions and ignore the Bill of Rights (kind of like the attitude of a number of people on this forum).
You'd think that the average, not yet totally dumbed down, person would have identified the new method of governance. It's called "In Your Face, We're The Government, You are NOT!" method.
Our form of government worked fine as long as there were BASIC ethics, morals, scruples, etc. instilled in the future leaders as youths. We're past that now. Excerpt for the few Throwbacks like Ron Paul, we're re-electing "Parties" with socially elite Actors as their fronts. They are for the most part born and bred to the jobs. Any encroachment on that system is viciously whipped down.