"Monkeywrenching" was a term used by Earth First! activists who poured sugar into the gas tanks of bulldozers to destroy the equipment of the hated timber companies. A favorite "Monkeywrenching" trick was to pound spikes into trees.
At the mills, saws hitting the spikes would explode like shrapnel.
One worker lost most of his face when his blade hit an undetected spike.
Over the years, "Monkeywrenchers" have become fond of sending mail bombs and letters in envelopes lined with razor blades. It pre-stages today's Anthrax-filled envelopes. "And then we have Ted Kyzinski.....a solo fringe element, and thus , using hindsight , it would only take two, or three local leftwingnuts to perpetrate this terrorist crime of anthrax mailings....using the guise of anti-Bin Laden publicity as a cover.